Go Dry this January for the best start to the year


– YOU CAN cut out alcohol for a month without feeling like you don’t have a way to relax.

– YOU CAN run this as an experiment without making any long term commitments about what you want to do with your drinking.

– YOU WILL surprise yourself in how easy you will find this, with the right guidance and techniques.

– YOU DON'T have to rely on willpower when you have a superpower like meditation.



  • You’re an over-thinker who uses alcohol to quieten your over-active mind.
  • The occasional drink has become more regular and now you drink more than you’d like.

  • You want to see if you can cut out drinking for a month to give yourself a reset and start your year on the right foot.


If you’re nodding along to the above and feel the pull towards a healthier lifestyle with better sleep, more energy and fewer empty alcohol calories, this is the program for you.






This brand-new program has been designed to help overthinkers rely less on drinking as a coping mechanism for their busy lives.

It’s for people who are open to the idea that meditating will put them in much better position to make better decisions about their drinking.

This abstinence-based, science-backed program is designed to show you how the powerful combination of meditating and not drinking will revolutionise how you feel.



  • Create a stress-busting routine so you can stop relying on alcohol, in an efficient way that won’t eat into your busy schedule.
  • You'll sleep better, save money and experience a clarity of mind that alcohol doesn't allow.

  • Lose weight and improve your overall health in a matter of weeks.



You’ll get:


  • Wise Monkey Effortless Meditation for Professional Overthinkers
    • Find your place of calm, clarity and resolve in just 15 minutes wherever you are. This no-fluff, practical system works anywhere and is so powerful you will look forward to the edge it gives you. As one CEO participant says: “Meditation is the solution. 


  • Daily Email Inspiration
    • Wake up each day with a bite-sized nugget of inspiration plus a meditation tip and advice on how to stay alcohol free. 


  • Awareness Amplifier Modules
    • Deep dive into science-backed ways to understand and overcome your habits and motivations so you can create and maintain lasting change with this series of short and to-the-point video modules. 


  • Peer Support
    • Join a private online community and learn how other people are coping with similar challenges to you. 




On top of the core offering, you will also get:


  • Maintain Your Gains – Repeat the Program the Following Two Months
    • As we say in the program, goals are good, systems are better! Rather than going back to your old ways after the course, we give access to two extra months where you can repeat the emails. Access to the meditations never expires. 


  • Understanding your Triggers Masterclass
    • Make unconscious triggers conscious and find ways to overcome them in more sustainable ways.


  • Your Habit Building Personality – How to Work with it Rather than Against it
    • Uncover the structures that underlie how you approach habits to get past common obstacles to creating good habits and letting go of unhelpful ones.


  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
    • Many of our problems are created by outmoded ways of thinking that sabotage our good intentions. Identify yours and how to overcome them.


100 days to sober freedom



I’m a meditation teacher and sober coach with seven years’ experience helping people manage their stress and find healthier coping mechanisms. 


I also have 20 years’ experience working in fast-paced corporate environments in the media in both London and Sydney and know what it’s like to hold down a stressful job while drinking heavily.


I also know what it’s like to work in the same environments having quit alcohol. 


In my last corporate job, I was Head of Product, managing the strategy, design and development of major news websites for an Australian media company. I had to be able to work deftly among senior leaders, spiky editorial staff and logic-centric engineers.  


With the double-clarity that came from meditating and not drinking I was able to better navigate this nuanced environment, getting better results and not letting things take a personal toll when they didn’t go to plan. 


As someone who used to drink to let off steam and un-stress at the end of the week, I also saw that alcohol was actually adding to my stress, not relieving it. This view is now widely supported by scientific research

100 days to sober freedom

Saying cheers to five years alcohol free with a delicious glass of... water! 




“A consistent effect of alcohol is that, even low to modest consumption disrupts the hypothalamic-adrenal axis and predisposes to more stress (lower stress threshold). No judgement on drinking here
 but it makes people less resilient overall.”

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D, Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford Medicine. 




Meditation was my ticket out of the world of alcohol and in the two years after I started meditating everyday, I was promoted twice. 


Many people have a misconception that meditation will make them a slacker, but the opposite is more often true.


Not seeing everything as a crisis that I would have to take the blame for freed up mental capacity for problem solving. 


Work problems that would have kept me up at night became simply to-do list items for the next day. 


I took things less personally, could see where I could add the most value and generally got better results with less effort and had more consistent, less drama-filled relations with my colleagues.


I also successfully switched job function within the same company and increased my salary by 60%.


Results like this can be yours too, not matter what has happened before. 


Trying the same things as before or guilt tripping yourself won’t make you more likely to succeed. 


Whatever you have tried before, the approaches that didn’t work – it’s not your fault. 


Most programs target your behaviour, using blunt will power, or tinker with your thinking – which might work one day but not the next. Is it any wonder you failed?  


If those programs didn’t work for you, they weren’t right for you. Psychological approaches can help, but if you’re an overthinker, it becomes an endless cycle of trying to think your way out of a problem of overthinking.


This meditation-based program picks the best psychological approaches but also targets the root cause of overthinking. It first removes stress from your nervous system and changes your conscious state. 


If psychology is helping you run updated software, meditation is upgrading your hardware. Combine them and you will have a fully optimised mental machine.


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein


‘I do not feel like drinking. I am sleeping better and am very happy.’


‘The meditation has helped me overcome cravings and react differently to stress.’


'Game changer and a life changer’


‘I am more relaxed and haven't had a drink for over three weeks and not missing it.’


‘I have tried and failed on many occasions to stop drinking. I finally feel I have cracked it by taking this course.’


‘After many years of drinking, I seem to connect with these sessions and now three weeks without a drink.’


‘I would recommend this to all who have suffered years of misery and wanted to quit but couldn’t.'


‘No one is more surprised than me to find that I haven't had / needed / wanted a glass of wine since day one of the program.’


‘I wasn’t sure whether I was just taking a break from alcohol or completely quitting. It’s starting to feel like quitting now.’


‘This eased my cravings dramatically.’





This is our lowest-touch program, designed to give you greater clarity and control with minimal demands on your time.


  • Meditation: 1 x 15 minutes a day, pre-recorded – do them when it suits you.
  • Daily Emails: 1 x email a day which takes two minutes to read.
  • Video Modules: Go at your own pace – most videos are between 2 and 10 minutes.


CLARITY and CALM – find out how it feels not to drink for a month. We think you might just like it.

This is for you if...

  • You’re sick of waking up with a hangover and are ready to make a change
  • You're ready to take a month of alcohol to experience how it will change how you feel
  • You have an open mind and are prepared to try new things
  • You believe in the benefits of meditation, even if you may not have experienced them for yourself yet

This is NOT for you if...

  • You would rather moderate than taking a month-long break
  • You’re looking for a quick fix without putting in any effort yourself
  • You're not prepared to learn from mistakes 
  • You’re in active treatment for alcohol use disorder or think you will need medical assistance to come off alcohol, unless agreed in consultation with a doctor 
Quit alcohol meditation online
Quit alcohol meditation online app



At the height of my drinking, I was spending over £10,000 a year on drinking and related activities. How much are you spending? If you’re like many of our participants, you’ll be spending more money on alcohol in a month than the price of this course.


I'm so confident in the program that if you complete all the components and aren’t drinking 75% less in a month, I will refund you AND give you a free coaching session worth $250.


Access to course material doesn't expire and you can go through it as many times as you like.


Pick your country below for  pricing and booking.


Got a question?

Do you have a question or would you like to set up a quick call with Rory or one of the team to discuss which program is best for you? Get in touch through our contact page – we'd love to hear from you.




I'm so confident in this program that I offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee at any point in the first 30 days.


You won't be asked any awkward questions – with the two-click refund guarantee, all your have to do is click here and press send (or use the contact form and say “refund me”).


One of our course assistants will process the refund and wish you all the best! No hard feelings.


Which of these sounds riskier to you?


You want more control over your drinking but you also don’t want to waste your time or money on a program that doesn’t work.


I know where you’re coming from – I too have been burned by online programs that promised and failed to deliver.


If you don’t try this program, you won’t have risked anything, but you won’t have gained anything either.


With our two-click refund, you will get 100% of your money back within the first 30 days without having to give a reason.


To take the course or not take it are both risk-free decisions, but only one will help you achieve your goal.


The beauty of the two-click refund is that I’m not even asking you to decide yes or no today. All I’m asking is that you make a fully-informed decision. The only way to do that is from the inside the program.


Only once you start will you be able to make a fully-informed decision about whether this is for you or not. You can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking around.


And if you’re not happy with the decision between now and one month into the start of the course, I won’t be happy keeping your money.


I only make this guarantee as I'm confident the program will do what it says it will. And for the very small percentage of people who disagree, I'm more than happy to give a refund and wish you well.


So which risk-free decision will be more likely to get you to where you want to be in a month?


If you have any questions about the course or payment process, don't hesitate to get in touch.


How much do you spend each week on alcohol?


Our students tell us it's anywhere between $100 and $300.


That's a LOT of your hard earned money, literally flushed away.


By investing in our training, you save that hard-earned money to put to better use. Also, these methods will transform many aspects of your experience. It's your personal toolkit for life.


An investment made now will give you tools and strategies for you to use for your entire life.



Take a positive step today and invest in your future. With our Two-Click Refund Guarantee, this is a risk-free decision. 


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