The secret to effortlessly controlling alcohol without missing out on life
Control alcohol by leveraging the natural boost to willpower and decision-making you get when you efficiently remove STRESS from your nervous system, without feeling like life will overwhelm you or you’ll get drinking FOMO.
Meditation is the secret ingredient that has helped thousands of people control alcohol effortlessly. After the first session, meditation gets to work dissolving stress and giving you the willpower to get through the day without needing a drink.
Over the following weeks, it helps you become someone who no longer wants to drink.
Positive identity change is a major contributing factor in people’s success in controlling alcohol – an upgraded version of you with positively-reinforcing beliefs and habits will barely remember the you who chose to drink regularly.
This version of you will get on-going benefits beyond controlling alcohol, finding ease and expansion in all areas of your life.
Effortless Control – Freedom Beyond Alcohol
In 2025, everyone has heard of the benefits of meditation – but when it comes to reducing alcohol effortlessly, meditation is not a nice to have, it’s an essential component.
Yes, some people can stop drinking by willpower alone – but for most, there is a point where willpower runs out.
Your willpower isn’t weak, it’s just overloaded by stress. Meditation is a targeted intervention that can reset this in minutes, clearing the path to natural and effortless alcohol control.
Stress actually trains your body to crave alcohol.
But by resetting your nervous system, you can dissolve cravings naturally, starting with one simple step: meditation.
"Effortless Control has been a huge help, aiding me to kick-start my new life without alcohol without all the distress or anguish I was expecting to have to go through"
– Claire, UK (January 2025 participant)
This isn’t the meditation you’ve heard of
This is the targeted method that thousands have used to turn stress into their greatest advantage, helping them control alcohol effortlessly from day one.
Priscila: "I appreciate Rory's ability to explain meditation so clearly"
Hi, I'm Rory – I was promoted twice in the two years after I significantly cut down drinking
Rory Kinsella teaching mediation on retreat in Bali in September 2024
After significantly reducing my drinking when I started meditating in 2014, I pulled off an audacious career change that I never could have managed as a regular drinker.
Two years later, I got promoted again to be a head of department on a 60% higher salary than before.
I now run this business teaching people to meditate, reduce their stress and drink less, which gives me more meaning than I could have dreamed of back in my corporate career.

Stress-free = alcohol-free
Alcohol-free = stress-free
Meditation helps you control alcohol by working with the brain's natural neuroplasticity to reshape it in ways that enable habit change by rewiring neural pathways and increasing brain matter in the decision making part of your brain.
A landmark 2012 Harvard study showed that significant changes happened in people’s brains after only a few weeks of meditation.
The decision-making cortex area of the brain became thicker and the more impulsive amygdala area shrunk.
Meditation literally moulds your brain in ways that keep the wise version of you in charge and turns down the instant gratification voice telling you, "Go on, it’s just one drink – you deserve it."
When you think from your cortex, you’re taking into account long term trends and considering future impacts.
When you think from your amygdala – your “lizard brain” – you are in survival mode, getting from minute to minute and doing whatever you need to cope, regardless of the consequences in the morning.
We think alcohol helps with stress but after temporarily numbing it, it makes it worse.
When you become stress-free through meditation, you’ll find it easier to stay alcohol-free.
When you stay alcohol-free, you’ll naturally be more stress-free.
This creates a positive, self-reinforcing loop – a flywheel effect.
Effortless Control – Freedom Beyond Alcohol
In Effortless Control, I lead a group of just ten people through a live online program to set you up for a year ahead where alcohol doesn't control the agenda.
The program starts with a weekend intensive virtual retreat, all from the comfort of your home, followed by eight weeks of structured course work and support.
What you get
Live, in-depth, personalised meditation training
Across 4 x 90 minute sessions you will receive your own mantra and get specific, tailored feedback on your technique and approach.
This is the same level of training I give in my in-person Vedic Meditation courses and it's on another level in terms of effectiveness to any recorded meditation trainings (including mine!).
The Four Achievements Framework for Effortless Alcohol Control
I have distilled the essential tools and strategies from six years of running one on one coaching, group programs and sober retreats into 3 x 90 minute workshops to give you everything you need to know about my Four Achievements Framework in the least amount of time.
Eight Week Coaching Program
The group will meet for an hour a week to check on progress and receive coaching and support.
Robbie: "Rory is so kind and supportive"
Why a virtual retreat?
Firstly, what is a virtual retreat?
A virtual retreat gives you all the learnings, relaxation and time for reflection as an in-person retreat, but allows you to do it from the comfort of your own home, without the hassle and expense of joining me on my Bali retreat.
Over the last year of running retreats, I've seen what a huge impact they can have on people.
Indulging in a deep dive immersion into something can be a lot more effective than a drip feed of a hour or two a week.
I also realised that it would be helpful to give people all of what they need to know up front when they're kickstarting a period of limiting alcohol.

Rory and the happy retreat group after the September 2024 Bali retreat (non-virtual!)
Is this you?
- You feel frustrated because you try to moderate and end up drinking too much. As a result, you feel guilty about not being able to think clearly or perform at your best.
- You feel guilty about not performing at your best because you want to achieve that overdue promotion or consistent growth in your own business. As a result, you feel like you are constantly self-sabotaging.
- You feel like you are self-sabotaging because every time you put a decent number of alcohol-free days together, something comes along and makes you feel the need to reward yourself with a drink. As a result, you get annoyed at yourself.
- You get annoyed at yourself because other people can control their drinking and you can’t. As a result, you keep it to yourself so as not to admit to having a problem.
- You keep it to yourself because you don’t want to publicly risk failing, which would in some way confirm you really do have a problem. As a result, you feel you can’t speak to anyone or seek help.
Reaching out for guidance from those who have walked the same path before you isn’t an admission of a problem or failing. It’s a proven success strategy for making positive changes before things become a problem.
What is the Four Achievements framework?
The Four Achievements is a holistic, step by step process for high-functioning individuals to achieve control over alcohol. It uses an emotional, psychological, social and spiritual framework that brings results without relying on willpower or feeling like you are missing out on anything.
1. Overcome the Inner Critic to Achieve Self Awareness
The Inner Critic is the voice in your head that advises you to keep things as they are and not take any risks. It's your inner champion of safety and comfort, but is opposed to growth and change. To overcome the Inner Critic, you recognise both its value and its limitations – and demote it from its position of executive power to an advisory role.
This allows you to put doubts and preconceptions aside and be curious enough to gain Self Awareness over the motivations and emotional triggers behind your drinking.
- Recognise the Inner Critic
- Map your triggers
- Meditation to remove stress and emotional triggers

2. Invoke the Inner Coach to Achieve Self Control
Once you're aware of the triggers and motivations behind your drinking, you can begin to find new candidates for the jobs you previously assigned to alcohol. For example, if you drink to relax, try meditating instead – and recognise the Inner Critic when it says this is a stupid idea!
In place of the Inner Critic, you will call on the Inner Coach, who will help you over the many hurdles you will face. The Inner Coach is a mindset, a way of thinking that reminds you progress is more important than perfection and how setbacks can strengthen your approach rather than weaken it.
To achieve Self Control, you step out of your comfort zone to try new things. You put your ego aside and are humble enough to take on the learnings that missteps provide. Control is ultimately more about keeping yourself in the process than achieving objective results.
While you work on your Inner Coach, it can help to work with an outer coach, which is what I do through my individual and group sober coaching programs like Effortless Control.
- Learn the language of the Inner Coach
- Experiment with options to replace the jobs alcohol does for you
- Meditation to increase positivity and resilience
3. Awaken the Inner Rebel to Achieve Self Direction
Once you achieve Self Awareness and Self Control of your internal coping mechanisms, it's time to venture out and hold your own around other people.
Drinking may have been rebellious as a teenager, but it's much more rebellious not to drink in middle-age. Awakening your Inner Rebel will help you go against other people's expectations and achieve Self Direction.
To set your own course, it's important to understand your values and be brave enough to communicate them.
- Discover your values to create a new and robust narrative
- Challenges to start building a life beyond alcohol
- Meditation to increase self confidence and balance people pleaser tendencies
4. Unlock the Inner Guide to Achieve Self Mastery
When you know your values and are able to control your drinking on your own and with others, it’s time to unlock your Inner Guide to move towards Self Mastery.
To be happily in control of alcohol, you build a life with greater meaning and purpose. This can seem daunting, but with alcohol out of your system, your inspiration will naturally rise and the voice of your Inner Guide will become louder.
This is an exciting time of new possibilities where you are open to following where the Inner Guide leads you, which ultimately will be a place of lasting happiness and fulfilment.
- Discover your deeper meaning and purpose
- Challenges to get out of your comfort zone into the growth zone
- Meditation to turn up the volume of the Inner Guide
Effortless Control: Freedom Beyond Alcohol
Set yourself up for the next phase of your life with a program that will give you the tools and beliefs to control alcohol and live life to the fullest.
This brand-new format condenses the essential material from my previous courses into an accessible format that will kickstart a life beyond dependence on alcohol.
Limited to ten people to allow for the personalised meditation training and support.
Virtual Weekend Retreat Format
- 7 x 90-minute live Zoom workshops from Friday night to Sunday night UK time (10.5 hours)
- Four workshops consist of live meditation training where you will be given your own mantra and personally shown how to use it and refine your technique with live feedback
- The other three workshops lead you through how to effortlessly control alcohol through my Four Achievements Framework.
- Solo meditation and additional relaxation practices and exercises between live sessions
- Comprehensive follow up program to lock in benefits
- Closed, private group of like-minded professionals with privacy and discretion guaranteed
- All sessions recorded and made available afterwards
- Personal mantras given out individually in the first session – if you can't make this session, we can make alternative arrangements.
Eight Week Coaching Program
- Be part of a private, supportive community
- Join live meditation sessions
- Structured challenges to embody the learnings
- Weekly 60-minute group coaching calls to keep you on track.
A Wise Monkey Way training session on Zoom – faces obscured for privacy
(We don't all have monkey heads – but we do enjoy a good laugh with each other along the way!)

Here's what you get when you sign up TODAY
Live Online Meditation Training with Personal Mantra
For the first time in a live online group format, I will be teaching the same full, in-depth meditation training I offer at my in-person courses here in Sydney and on retreat (4 x 90 minute workshops). You get a personal mantra to take you deeper and targeted individual feedback based on your experiences to help you make faster progress with meditation to amplify the stress-busting results. I currently charge £750 ($1500 AUD) for this component on its own
Four Achievements Framework to Effortless Alcohol Control
3 x 90 minute workshops where I distil six years of helping people control their drinking into only the most essential components – first how to create control of your inner state and then how to take it out into the world (value £750).
Accountability System to Keep You on Track
Based on your specific habit building tendency, we will design an accountability system to keep you on track (value £200).
International Meditation Group Membership
Access to an online group so you can feel connected and understood without broaching this delicate subject with people you know. Get conscious, non-judgemental support and hear what is working for likeminded people from all over the world.
Our Sunday meetings are the best way to beat the Sunday scaries and inspire yourself for the week ahead (value £90).
Go Deeper with Live Meditations
Access so you can sit back and relax while Rory guides you in and out of a meditation. People often find they go deeper in live online meditations as they are able to let go in the presence of their teacher (value £75).
One-on-one coaching and goal setting session with Rory
Benchmark your progress, consolidate your learnings and refine your process in this 50 minute one on one session (value £175).
Habit Tracker Spreadsheet
So you can see just how much money you are saving and how much your sleep and energy are improving (value £100)
Better Sleep Toolkit
With specific sleep meditations and the latest information on sleep hygiene, your sleep will never be better (value £100).
15% off my international retreats (value £300)
20% off my one on one coaching program (value £320)
Access to repeat the entire retreat live any time it’s run in the future (value £1485)
Total value: £4345
All yours today for only £4345 £747
Start today and save £3598
(Instalment option available – 4 x monthly payments of £187)
🇦🇺 Want to pay in Australian dollars? 🇦🇺
🇺🇸 Or US dollars? 🇺🇸
UK – Friday 21 to Sunday 23 March
Friday 21 March
Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 March
Australia (AEDT) – Saturday 22 to Monday 24 March
Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 March
Monday 6 Jan
North America (EDT) – Friday 21 to Sunday 23 March
NB: For those in North America, some live sessions are in the middle of the night but all will be available for catch-up.
Friday 21 March
Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 March
Financial Support
If you would like to take the course but truly cannot afford it, please get in touch to discuss your situation. We're a business, but we don't think money should be a reason not to change your relationship with alcohol.
(Full names withheld to maintain privacy)
Rachel: "Rory’s 15-minute sessions gave me a way to unwind without a glass of wine"
Jenna: "Rory's soothing voice made it very easy to follow along"
"I'm not a big drinker, but this really helped with my phone addiction"
"I was sceptical when I came across Wise Monkey Way"
Over the years, I’ve done some research and meditation was noted on quite a few of the things that I was following.
I tried minimalist drinking which started out well and then was a slippery slope to my normal drinking intake.
I tried AA which was definitely not for me. I was a little sceptical when I came across Wise Monkey Way.
This was quite a big outlay, but I was very interested in the meditation side of it, so I gave it to go and actually it has been the saviour of me. I’ve got my life back, I’m more present, less anxious, much calmer and I see things more clearly. I meditate and it helps.
I don’t know how it works, but it works for me. It quietens my mind and the cravings. I am no longer hostage to my habit.
Karen, Director, UK
"A pivotal moment"
There was a pivotal moment at 70 or 80 days alcohol free. I had an event with some of my closest friends who get together once every three months for a lunch that’s centred on food and wine.
The last event was just before the hundred days and when it came around again, I spent two weeks negotiating with myself about whether I would drink – maybe I'll just have one or two glasses, maybe I'll do this or that. I wasted so much mental energy on it for two weeks.
And then eventually I got the strength about a week before and had a one on one with Rory and he helped me on how to get through it. Then when I went to the lunch, I didn't even want a glass of wine. I didn't even notice the wine being poured!
It was a huge pivotal moment. I just went straight through and was like – I can do this now.
Steve, VP Sales, Melbourne
"I took half the month off and had my best revenue month ever"
I’ve got more mental clarity, better thinking – everything's going better.
This has been my biggest revenue month in the history of my agency, which is crazy.
I attribute it to this. I don't know if there were other things but I literally took half the month off – so something is going on!
I've always worked hard – maybe I'm working more efficiently or it's better quality work.
Less anxiety has really helped and allowed me to take more risks than I usually do. Jumping out there with imperfect action – that's what I call it.
I didn't think I could go a hundred days without drinking, – it was definitely empowering to know that I could.
Lindsey, Marketing Agency Owner, Los Angeles
Cathy: "Like everyone else, I love to come home and have a glass of wine – but this really helped"
George: "This makes meditation easy and simple"

Saying cheers to five years alcohol free (now seven!) with a delicious glass of... water!
I’m Rory Kinsella, the creator of Wise Monkey Way and Effortless Control
I’m a meditation teacher and sober coach with seven years’ experience helping people manage their stress and find healthier coping mechanisms.
I also have 20 years’ experience working in fast-paced corporate environments in the media in both London and Sydney and know what it’s like to hold down a stressful job while drinking heavily.
I also know what it’s like to work in the same environments having quit alcohol.
In my last corporate job, I was Head of Product, managing the strategy, design and development of major news websites for an Australian media company. I had to be able to work deftly among senior leaders, spiky editorial staff, temperamental designers and logic-centric engineers.
With the double-clarity that came from meditating and not drinking I was able to better navigate this nuanced environment, getting better results and not letting things take a personal toll when they didn’t go to plan.
As someone who used to drink to let off steam and un-stress at the end of the week, I also saw that alcohol was actually adding to my stress, not relieving it. This view is now widely supported by scientific research.
I spent over £10,000 a year on drinking
At the height of my drinking, I was spending over £10,000 a year on drinking and related activities.
I dread to think what I've spent on taxis alone :(
How much are you spending? If you’re like many of our participants, you’ll be spending more money on alcohol in a couple of months than the price of this course.
I'm so confident in the program that I will refund you with no questions asked for any reason.
Access to course material doesn't expire and you can go through it as many times as you like.

Fake meditating for Instagram in Chile in 2019 – don't worry, we meditate comfortably in chairs
Guilt-tripping yourself won’t make you more likely to succeed
Whatever you have tried before, the approaches that didn’t work – it’s not your fault.
Most programs target your behaviour, using blunt willpower, or tinker with your thinking – which might work one day but not the next. Is it any wonder you failed?
If those programs didn’t work for you, they weren’t right for you.
Psychological approaches can help, but if you’re an overthinker, it becomes an endless cycle of trying to think your way out of a problem of overthinking.
This meditation-based program picks the best psychological approaches while also targeting the root cause of overthinking. It first removes stress from your nervous system and changes your conscious state.
So if a new psychological approach helps you run updated mental software, meditation upgrades your nervous system hardware. When we combine them, we have a fully optimised mental machine.
I wasn’t even sure I had “a problem” but I’m so glad I acted when I did
Holding down jobs and relationships meant I didn’t have clear and overriding “need” to stop drinking – but I now realise how much I was leaving on the table by continuing to self-sabotage every time I drank.
And I realised how much time alcohol was taking up – not just the time spent drinking in the evenings when I could have been working or genuinely relaxing, but the time lost through not being 100% in the mornings.
I’ve become so much more time- and cash-rich since stopping drinking
I couldn’t believe how many hours a week alcohol took up and how costs added up when I took into account taxis and all the money I would waste on other things when drunk.
Wise Monkey Way is the world’s only meditation-centric sober program. It will raise your conscious state so you see drinking in its true light. Liberate yourself from alcohol for good and then see where meditation will take you next.
No gimmicks, no quick-fixes that break at the first sign of trouble. This approach will give you the best tools and techniques and add an extra layer of individual coaching and accountability to help you stick to your meditation and drinking goals.
What is Wise Monkey Way?
Wise Monkey Way is an international meditation community committed to using meditation as a tool for personal development.
We've helped thousands of people change their relationship with alcohol since 2018.
Our mission is to inspire people to drink less and achieve more.
We run online programs, teach meditation in person in Sydney, Australia and host retreats around the world.
Leave your details to be first to hear about the next cohort of Effortless Control.
This is for you if...
This is NOT for you if...
One of the course material slides shown when we're discussing the relationship between alcohol, meditation and consciousness

Alcohol is a valid strategy for changing your mood
There’s no need to feel bad about drinking – it’s a valid wellness strategy for coping with life.
It’s also the most socially acceptable way to relax and let off steam in western society.
And drinking undeniably provides relief from stress.
It’s just not a sustainable long-term coping strategy.
Drinking to manage stress is like getting another credit card to manage your debt
Yes, – it “works” but isn’t a sound long-term strategy.
Did you know that drinking actually increases stress? In the days after drinking, it increases the level of cortisol in the body, giving you more reason to drink and creating a vicious cycle of addiction, even if it’s only a couple of glasses of wine.
You drink because you want to change your mood in some way – you want to be calmer, more relaxed, happier.
Meditation is a natural mood balancer that turns you into someone who won’t need to escape how they are feeling.
In the first week of meditating, I felt instantly more comfortable in my skin, with less stress, less social anxiety and able to avoid my people-pleaser tendency to say yes to anyone’s suggestion of a drink. I didn’t quit drinking overnight, but immediately found it much easier to cut out crappy midweek drinking.
According to a UK study, 60% of people drink to cope with stress.
But in my experience, many more people drink for stress without even realising it's because they are stressed.
I know, because it wasn’t until I started meditating everyday that I realised how stressed I’d been.
My overthinking mind drove me to drink
I wasn’t an outwardly stressed person, but my mind worked overtime and I'd often be seething at people in my head with them never knowing about it 😤. I would reach for the bottle to unwind and calm my mind down.
According to the World Health Organisation stress has been classified as the health epidemic of the 21st century.
Switching out alcohol for meditation is one of the most effective ways to manage stress in a more sustainable way.
Got a question?
CONTACT USWhy do we drink?
Alcohol is a quick fix for changing our mood and making us feel better – temporarily. It’s very effective at this – if it wasn’t there wouldn’t be a trillion-dollar industry around it. But over time, we pay a greater price for the short-term benefit.
The feel-good dopamine spikes from the first drink get smaller over time and the serotonin deficit you’re left with takes longer to pay off, leaving you feeling worse for days.
While the first drink may help you relax, the stress hormone cortisol goes up and stays up all week, even if you’re only drinking at the weekend. That’s why drinking to manage stress is like using petrol to douse a fire. Alcohol significantly increases stress levels in the days after drinking.
This is the addictive cycle of drinking – even if you’re high functioning, not drinking everyday or only having relatively small amounts. You drink, you feel better, you feel worse, you crave the thing that made you feel better, temporarily. Repeat.
We all know this cycle – it’s subtle but pervasive. But how do we break it?
We break it by introducing more sustainable coping mechanisms like meditation.
Masterclass: Four Achievements Roadmap to Effortless Alcohol Control
Reshape your brain, re-shape your habits
Does this ring any bells?
- Another failed attempt at quitting or cutting back.
- More broken promises, guilt and shame.
- The loss of integrity of continuity to do something you know is bad for you. Another sore head and productive day lost.
- Another day tied up in demoralising negative thoughts instead of enjoying life.
- The certainty that at some point you will cause irreversible damage to your mind or body.
It's time to take back control of your drinking and your future.
Things won't change unless you take action – how much will it cost you in diminished health and lost productivity to delay this?
It's time to take a break from...
- Stress (even if you don't feel particularly stressed)
- Poor quality sleep
- Brain fog
- Alcohol-induced cortisol spikes
- People pleaser tendencies
- Self-negotiation about drinking
- Hangovers
- Empty calories
- Money poured down the drain
- Unproductiveness
- Lack of focus
- The hamster wheel of failed moderation and regret
- Loss of integrity from breaking promises to yourself
Never say "forever"
I advise the people I work with not to use or even think about the word "forever" when it comes to their drinking.
At more than six years without having a drink, I still don't say I'll never drink ever again. Why? Because thinking about forever brings too much pressure, too many future events to worry about.
If you think of it as a break from alcohol, even an indefinite break, you're taking the pressure of the future off. And you're not setting yourself up for failure.

I'm so confident in this program that I offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee at any point in the first 30 days.
You won't be asked any awkward questions – with the two-click refund guarantee, all your have to do is click here and press send (or use the contact form and say “refund me”).
One of the course assistants will process the refund and wish you all the best! No hard feelings.
Which of these sounds riskier to you?
You want more control over your drinking but you also don’t want to waste your time or money on a program that doesn’t work.
I know where you’re coming from – I too have been burned by online programs that promised and failed to deliver.
If you don’t try this program, you won’t have risked anything, but you won’t have gained anything either.
With our two-click refund, you will get 100% of your money back within the first 30 days without having to give a reason.
To take the course or not take it are both risk-free decisions, but only one will help you achieve your goal.
The beauty of the two-click refund is that I’m not even asking you to decide yes or no today. All I’m asking is that you make a fully-informed decision. The only way to do that is from the inside the program.
Only once you start will you be able to make a fully-informed decision about whether this is for you or not. You can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking around.
And if you’re not happy with the decision between now and one month in, I won’t be happy keeping your money.
I only make this guarantee as I'm confident the program will do what it says it will. And for the very small percentage of people who disagree, I'm more than happy to give a refund and wish you well.
So which risk-free decision will be more likely to get you to where you want to be?
If you have any questions about the course or payment process, don't hesitate to get in touch.
How much do you spend each week on alcohol?
Our students tell us it's anywhere between £60 and £400.
That's a LOT of your hard earned money, literally flushed away.
By investing in our training, you save that hard-earned money to put to better use. Also, these methods will transform many aspects of your experience. It's your personal toolkit for life.
An investment made now will give you tools and strategies for you to use for your entire life.
By signing up, it’s like I’m admitting I have a problem
I don't like anything that has a group component – I’m not a group-type person
I can't meditate – my mind is too busy
I don't have enough time
There's less of a chance of failure if I don't risk attempting this – I don’t like failure!
I’m not sure I’ll be able to cope without alcohol
What if I know someone in the program?
I’m not sure the problem is bad enough to act now
What if I can’t sleep without alcohol?
I’ve got a wedding/birthday/holiday coming up soon
I’m not sure I can socialise without alcohol
What if I’m not sure I want to give up drinking forever?
I’m not sure what to say to people about what I’m doing?
It’s too expensive for an online program
Take a positive step today and invest in your future. With our Two-Click Refund Guarantee, this is a risk-free decision.
If you don’t try this program, you won’t have risked anything, but you won’t have gained anything either.
With our two-click refund, you will get 100% of your money back within the first 30 days without having to give a reason.