Wise Monkey May challenges

May 01, 2024

Wise Monkey May is here!


Alongside daily meditation and staying alcohol-free, there are other ways we can feed the wise monkey.


This month, I’m inviting you to focus on one area and notice how it improves your wellbeing. 


I’m going to brave and do them all! Already over breakfast this morning it was hard to avoid looking at the news.   


30 Day News Fast


I regularly recommend people to limit their news consumption, but for this challenge, your job is to cut out as much news as you can. You don’t have to run from the room screaming if the headlines come on, but don’t actively seek out news and switch away if it comes on.


How to take part:


  •  Remove news from your diet as much as possible from today
  •  Find new things to do with your news time – read books, learn a new language with Duolingo, be inspired with bite-sized content from an app like Deepstash
  •  If you miss a day, don’t throw the towel in, just make sure you don’t miss two days in a row!
  •  Join the Wise Monkey Way Community WhatsApp group, if you haven’t already, and share your experience


30 Days of Journaling

Write a journal entry every day, even if it's only a few words. Handwritten, in your phone notes, mix and match, it doesn't matter. Daily reflection is the goal – you don't need a clean copy or to read it again. 


How to take part:


  •  Write something everyday, even if it’s “No time to write today but I haven’t forgotten!”
  •  Do “morning pages” before you start you day or last thing at night
  •  Don’t be precious, it’s the process that’s beneficial, not the results
  •  Good prompts are: What am I grateful for today? What did I learn today? How am I feeling right now?
  •  If you miss a day, don’t throw the towel in, just make sure you don’t miss two days in a row!
  •  Join the Wise Monkey Way Community WhatsApp group, if you haven’t already, and share your experience


30 Days of Activity

Pick an activity goal that is right for you and stick to it. Some options include: 10k steps a day; 10 mins morning yoga; daily plank or resting squat; post-dinner walk everyday. 


How to take part:


  •  Define what activity means to you – I’m doing ten minutes of yoga every morning, a run three times a week and ideally a 30 minute walk after dinner on the other days
  •  If you miss a day, don’t throw the towel in, just make sure you don’t miss two days in a row!
  •  Join the Wise Monkey Way Community WhatsApp group, if you haven’t already, and share your experience


I’ll be sharing more about each challenge in the days ahead. 


Which challenge will you be doing? Let me know in the comments.

Start improving your life now. Meditate more, drink less.